Who am I?

Trevor Norris

Node.js Maintainer


before we get started

let's have some fun

Use compile flags:

--gdb --without-snapshot

Run your process with:

gdb -d lib/ -d src/ --args \

./node --gdbjit --gdbjit-full script.js

What you get is:

(gdb) b uv_write2

#0  uv_write2 (...) at ../deps/uv/src/unix/stream.c:1232
#1  in uv_write (...) at ../deps/uv/src/unix/stream.c:1319
#2  uv_try_write (...) at ../deps/uv/src/unix/stream.c:1344
#3  in node::StreamWrapCallbacks::TryWrite(...) ()
#4  in void node::StreamWrap::WriteStringImpl<(...)1>(...) ()
#5  in v8::internal::FunctionCallbackArguments::Call(...) ()
#6  in v8::internal::Builtin_HandleApiCall(...) ()
#7  in STUB: CEntryStub ()

#8  in createWriteReq (...) at net.js:719
#9  in Socket._writeGeneric (...) at net.js:662
#10 in Socket._write (...) at net.js:685
#11 in doWrite (...) at _stream_writable.js:262
#12 in clearBuffer (...) at _stream_writable.js:368
#13 in Writable.uncork () at _stream_writable.js:217
#14 in OutgoingMessage.end (...) at _http_outgoing.js:539
        Yeah, that's JS in your gdb ~~~
(gdb) f 14
#14 in OutgoingMessage.end (...) at _http_outgoing.js:539
539      this.connection.uncork();

(gdb) l
534     // Force a flush, HACK.
535     ret = this._send('', 'binary', finish);
536   }
538   if (this.connection && data)
539     this.connection.uncork();
541   this.finished = true;


Yes, you can view the JS code from gdb.

Easily find where you're crossing boundaries

(gdb) f 7
#7  in STUB: CEntryStub ()
             ~~~ JS/C++ transversal

(gdb) l
544   // everything to the socket.
545   debug('outgoing message end.');
546   if (this.output.length === 0 &&
547       this.connection._httpMessage === this) {
548     this._finish();
Here's the call ~~~

Performance Sins of our Abstractions

Tweeted this title at 1:45 AM

Personal note: Don't tweet after midnight...

preliminary note

This may incur some (or much) indignation

Didn't know before planning the topic there would be a QA

... so please be kind

REMEMBER this talk is geared towards high performance and hot code, not for your everyday app

quick V8 perf tips

Inlined functions can't contain more than 600 characters
(including comments)

Inlined functions must be declared close to the call site

After N deopts V8 marks the function as not optimizable

(hence the importance to not allow deoptimizations in long running processes)

quick Node perf tips

Some events like DNS and FS are pseudo-async.
(meaning they tie up a thread in the background)

Think really really hard before you decide to use a synchronous method call

Node uses little memory, so investigate using Buffers to cache resources

(reconstructing resources on the fly can be faster than reading from the file system)

For I/O intensive scenarios keep track of request requirement ratios by tracing libuv

(don't need to know C to understand what the libuv API is doing, and it can really help)

quick libuv tracing

Use ktap to create a quick histogram with this script:

var s = {}
trace probe:/path/to/node:uv_[a-z]* {
  s[argname] += 1

trace_end {

And have it look like this:

           value ------------- Distribution ------------- count
uv_fs_req_cleanup |@@@@@@@@@@                             92945
           uv_now |@@@@                                   36680
   uv_update_time |@@@@                                   36680
       uv_fs_stat |@@                                     18932
       uv_fs_open |@@                                     18474
       uv_fs_read |@@                                     18428
      uv_fs_close |@@                                     18428
      uv_fs_fstat |@@                                     18428
     uv_try_write |@@                                     18297
      uv_buf_init |@@                                     18297
        uv_write2 |@@                                     18297

Who needs DTrace anyways? ;-P


We choose the amount of abstraction, but not the performance cost that comes with.


We choose how much to performance tune, but not how ugly it makes the code...

or how much it will make other developers hate you.

functions all the way down

It's common practice to nest Functions for usually one of two reasons:

- Allow variables to propagate or keep the "private"

- Easier to pass as an argument

messing with V8 hidden classes

(thanks @mraleph for the examples)

function ClosureColor(name) {
  this.getName = function () {
      return name;
  this.setName = function (n) {
      name = n;

Instantiates in 280 ns

function PrototypeColor(name) {
  this._name = name;

PrototypeColor.prototype.getName = function () {
  return this._name;

PrototypeColor.prototype.setName = function (n) {
  this._name = n;

Instantiates in 7 ns

Does it matter?

js and functional programming

function sumSort(a, b) { return b.hours - a.hours }

function sumHours(people, nameReg, minHours) {
  var result = [];

  // Filter by regex and work hours.
  Object.keys(people).filter(function(name) {
    return people[name].hours >= minHours && nameReg.test(name[0]);

  // Add each person with the number of hours they've worked to the array
  }).forEach(function(name) {
    result.push({ name: name, hours: people[name].hours });

  // Sort the names of the people by the most hours.
  return result.sort(sumSort);

not so functional

function sumSort(a, b) { return b.hours - a.hours }

function sumHours(people, nameReg, minHours) {
  var result = [];
  var names = Object.keys(people);
  var i, n;

  for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
    n = names[i];
    if (people[n].hours >= minHours && nameReg.test(n))
      result.push({ name: n, hours: people[n].hours });

  return result.sort(sumSort)
Functional: 38.1 us/op
Not:        21.7 us/op
Diff:       45.1%

not so fast callbacks

module.exports = function upload(stream, idOrPath, tag, done) {
  // ...
  function backoff(err) { /* ... */ }
  blob.put(stream, function (err, blobId) {
    // ...
    self.byUuidOrPath(idOrPath).get(function (err, file) {
      // ...
      Version.insert(version).execWithin(tx, function (err) {
        // ...
          self.createQuery(idOrPath, {
            // ...
          }, function (err, q) {
            // ...
            q.execWithin(tx, function (err) { /* ... */ });
        // ...
      function afterFileExists(err, fileId) {
        // ...
        FileVersion.insert({fileId: fileId,versionId: version.id})
        .execWithin(tx, function (err) {
          // ...
          File.whereUpdate({id: fileId}, {
            // ...
          }).execWithin(tx, function (err) { /* ... */ });

a better approach

Original response time: 290ms

By only hoisting functions and creating a single Object to maintain the request state, V8 was able to optimize these functions and keep them that way.

After slight refactor: 114ms


Heard complaints about how slow Node was to proxy data compared to nginx. So I built my own.


Bypasses Streams and EventEmitter

Super fast (40k/sec on loopback, and probably enough to fill up your network pipe regardless)

Makes your eyes bleed to look at

psycho-proxy snippet

var connection;
if (isNaN(pOp))
  connection = PipeConnect(this, buffer, pOp);
  connection = TCPConnect(this, buffer, '', pOp);

// Setup return loop to bypass all further checks.
connection._return_route = this;
this._return_route = connection;
// The method that proxies the data.
function proxyDataBetween(nread, data) {
  var err, req;
  if (nread <= 0) {
    if (nread < 0)
  if (this._return_route.fd <= 0) {
    err = new Error('Attempt to write to bad file descriptor');
    err.code = 'EBADF';
    alert(this, err);
  req = { oncomplete: dataWritten };
  err = this._return_route.writeBuffer(req, data);
  if (err)
    fail(this, err, 'write');

insane abstraction

Sadly, I may be responsible for the most abstract interface in Node core.

New AsyncListener API... is a bit nuts.

It's about 500 lines of JS (excluding C++). 200 of which are comments.

Gives users the ability to attach a "listener" to an Object that may break the call stack in the future.

Users will be alerted to either all, or a filtered set, of branching asynchronous calls.

Errors are traceable beyond asynchronous call stack bounds.

what we can learn from this

Write code you can maintain.

Write code that doesn't crash. The slowest code is the code that doesn't run.

Code for your case. Very few code with Node core performance requirements in mind.

Thank You